Job and Job Description Creation Consultancy

In the business world, accurate and detailed job and task descriptions are critical for a company to be successful. Our company guides you in creating job and job descriptions with professional consultancy services.

Our services:

Job Analysis and Description:
We analyze your business processes in detail and create customized job descriptions for your current positions. This ensures that your employees have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities.

Determination of Competencies:
We define position-specific competencies and integrate these competencies into job and task descriptions. This way, we help your employees better understand the skill set required for success.

Determination of Performance Criteria:
In order to make performance measurable, we determine performance criteria in accordance with job and task descriptions. In this way, evaluating and improving the performance of employees can be carried out more effectively.

Career Management Integration:
Job and task descriptions are integrated with your career planning processes. In this way, we support your employees in achieving their career goals.

Training and Development Opportunities:
We provide special training and development opportunities for your employees by identifying the needs arising from job and job descriptions. This allows your team members to continually improve.

With its expertise in job and job descriptions, our company helps increase the organizational effectiveness of your company and optimize your human resources processes. Do not hesitate to contact us for detailed information and special solutions.

Call us now for any questions you may have !
+90 535 687 79 54
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